PICHA is a stock photo provider created with the purpose of changing the widely accepted one-dimensional narratives of Afrocentric communities by providing users a platform to access adequate visual representation.
PICHA brings you curated, diverse Afrocentric visuals that enable brands and businesses to tell richer stories that include African Americans, Africans, and more generally the larger African diaspora. Images come from contributors who are from diverse Afrocentric communities in the US, Europe, Brazil, and Africa.
PICHA believes that original stories can change perceptions. And we are here to do just that. To bring the voices, faces, and stories of modern Afro and Black communities to the world and the brands we serve.
While we tell stories about black communities through photography and footage, we also support our contributing photographers. 50% of all commissions go directly back to the photographer.
4915 Cumberland Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
United States
Phone: 240-997-8028
Email: info@pichastock.com
URL: pichastock.com
B2B Contact: Josiane Faubert
B2B Email: josiane@pichastock.com