This year's theme will be "Opportunity in Change": with the challenges we face in our industry today, where can we find opportunities to grow? We are very excited about the list of speakers that has already begun to grow with names of some of the brightest new stars in the photo industry! We are working hard to set the tone for "photo week" in New York City!. Mark your calendars for October 20-23rd, 2013.Returning to New York City, we will be teaming up with Visual Connections to bring a 3-day event, which will feature the PACA Conference on days 1 and 2 and Visual Connections on day 3. The Altman Building will be the venue for this one-of-a-kind experience. Look for more information in the next couple of weeks including registration discounts and more.Lots of new changes this year…you won't want to miss out!Susan Jones and Yasha Spong, Co-Chairs


New Great War art & ephemera collection at Mary Evans