November Newsbreak
Mark Milstein, DMLA Board member and CEO, Microstock Solutions
With the iconic Intrepid Museum as our venue, DMLA returned this year to New York City in a big way for its 2024 conference.
With more than 200 combined in-person and virtual registrations, and sponsorships from Image Rights, Shutterstock, Orange Logic, Adobe, Google, CNN Collection, Wirestock, Cowen, Debates and Shephard (CDAS), iSpy Visuals, DMLA once again showed that it remains at the center of the media production, distribution and licensing industry.
On “Zero Day,” DMLA held its AI Summit at the office of Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard LLP in New York's financial district, with attendance from Google, Orange Logic, Press Association/ Alamy, pocstock, Shutterstock,, Envato, Covision, CAI/ Adobe, CDAS, PicVario, MediaViz, vAisual, Danita Delimont, CEPIC, 201 Creative, ImageRights, Getty, Gado Images, Vista Print, Wirestock, and iSpy Visuals.
The Summit was a lively, interactive discussion on the continuous impact of generative AI on the media licensing space; with content provenance, authenticity and compliance taking center stage.
With summer-like weather and a conference location like no other, Day One kicked off with a welcoming address by newly elected DMLA president Joe Naylor of ImageRights International; which set the stage for the keynote address presented by Ashish Jaimain, Product Leader, Bing Multimedia (Microsoft)….
To read the complete post, go HERE
2024 DMLA Member of the Year.
The Digital Media Licensing Association (DMLA) thrives because of the dedication of our member companies and their incredible teams.
Envato, who joined DMLA as a new member last year, has gone above and beyond, contributing to our mission to educate, connect and advocate for the media production, distribution and licensing industry, and support the protection of copyright and the creative community.
Under the leadership of CEO Hichame Assi, Envato’s team members have taken active roles, from Board positions to committee leadership: Marine Bassy was elected as a Member-at-Large; Katherine Briggs joined our powerhouse Legal Committee; and Noelle Kim has taken on the role of Chairperson for the Marketing Committee.
We’re grateful for Envato's enthusiasm, commitment, and support, and thank them for lending a hand in guiding the Digital Media Licensing Association - DMLA for the future.
Thank you, Envato, for all you do!
For more information, please visit Envato
2024 DMLA Volunteer of the Year.
Sometimes we forget that DMLA is a volunteer-run organization. It takes a village! Volunteers drive our advocacy, education and operations. It is because of these dedicated individuals that DMLA is a strong, effective organization and able to represent the media production, distribution and licensing industry.
We would like to recognize and honor the 2024 Volunteer of the Year:
DeSean Brown, pocstock
pocstock joined DMLA a little more than a year ago. DeSean immediately stepped up and asked how he could get involved. He has now joined our Board as the Chair of our Membership Committee. In this new role, DeSean is focusing on how to create, communicate and add value to our membership offering.
(Thinking of joining? Reach out to
AI, Personalization and Provenance Were Front and Center at 2024 IDMLC
Tom Smith, DMLA Board Member and CEO, Gado Images
In October 2024, over 200 members of the digital media licensing industry gathered in person and virtually for the 2024 International Digital Media Licensing Conference (IDMLC), hosted by the Digital Media Licensing Association.
The location of this year’s IDMLC was a huge part of the conference’s success. We gathered together in New York City, meeting aboard the historic USS Intrepid aircraft carrier, now part of the Intrepid Air and Space Museum.
Several topics stood out during this year’s conference….
To read the complete post, go HERE.
California Passes AI Digital Replica Law for Performers
By Nancy E. Wolff October 30, 2024
On September 17, 2024, California A.B. 2602 was signed into law adding section 927 to the Labor Code, effective January 1, 2025. The Law is designed to protect individuals from unfair contracts and the possibility of being replaced by their digital replica. After the effective date, to create enforceable contracts with performers that would include the creation of potential digital replicas for new performances by that digital replica, a contract cannot contain the following three requirements:
The provision allows for the creation of a digital replica of the individual’s voice or likeness that could be used to perform work that the individual would have otherwise performed themselves.
The provision does not include a reasonably specific description of the intended uses of the digital replica.
Click HERE to continue reading!
2025 Dues & Membership Update
Members will be invoiced in December for 2025 dues if on a calendar year schedule. This includes most members who joined prior to 2024. Please watch for notification in early December.
All Members must now be on the new membership system. Callie Pines will be reaching out to those companies who have not yet moved to assist with the transition.
Dues for General Members and Non-profit Members are determined by revenues. Therefore, if your organization is a General or Non-profit Member and your revenues have significantly changed in the past year, please notify
More information may be found HERE for General Members,
and HERE for Non-profit members.
Finally, if you are considering DMLA membership, please reach out to