Maria Pallante Removed as Head of Copyright Office
Horrible news emanated from the Library of Congress on Friday morning when the notice of the firing of Maria Pallante was made public. This move is unheard of for the position of the US Register of Copyrights where historically the Register has stepped down or retired. Pallante was informed of her change in roles by being locked out of her computer.Maria is a huge advocate for the rights of Creators and has been instrumental in the industry's efforts for modernizing the Copyright Office and the creation of a Small Claim's Court for Creators. She is seen as being fair and unbiased by all who know her.This move by the the newly appointed Librarian of Congress, Carla Hayden, is seen by many as a line in the sand as to how the Library of Congress want creators to be treated. Here are a few articles on the firing. Look for more information here as this issue evolves.