Important Section 512 Survey

DMLA has been actively participating in a study initiated by the Copyright Office on the impact and effectiveness of the Digital Millennial Copyright Act (DMCA) safe harbor provisions contained in Section 512 of the Copyright Act. The safe harbor offers qualified Internet Service Providers (ISPs) immunity from monetary damages for hosting infringing content if the ISP expeditiously removes the content after receiving a proper notice. DMLA has provided responses to past Notices of Inquiries and attended round table hearings on this subject. The Copyright Office is now seeking additional comments and is specifically inviting parties to submit empirical research.As this is such an important issue, DMLA plans to respond and has adapted for DMLA members and their contributors an online survey prepared by the Copyright Alliance for small creators to determine if this “notice and take down” procedure of the safe harbor is being used, how difficult it is to use, and how successful it is in having infringing content removed. The survey is short and should not take long to complete. We encourage all members to participate and send it to their contributors to build a large response pool. If copyright law is to improve, we need to have hard data on what is working and what is not.If you haven't filled out your responses yet, please do so.  The more responses we receive the better data we will be able to supply to the Copyright office.  You will find the survey here.Deadline for completion is February 17, 2017.




President's Message for the New Year