The Arkansas state senate has passed an extremely overbroad and draconian right-of-publicity bill that we believe could drastically impact the content licensing community. The bill is now before the governor of Arkansas. We have drafted a form letter for DMLA members to send to the governor asking that he veto the bill. Please sign and send a copy of this letter (with your company name filled in where it states “COMPANY” and with the date adjusted as needed). The letter can be sent to the governor through his assistant, Katie Beck ( with a cc to the governor’s chief of staff, Michael Lamoureux ( letter can be found here.The deadline for the governor to veto the bill is Tuesday March 31, 2015, so you must act quickly if you want your voice to be heard. It is probably too late to mail a letter, you will have to email it.Thank you and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.