DMCA Takedown Notice Survey
Has your copyrighted work been used on the Internet without your permission?Are you a photographer, illustrator, graphic artist or designer, or other visual creator?Are you an artist’s/photographer’s agent or representative, or an image licensing agent?Have you discovered infringing use of your images, or the images you license, on the Internet and used the DMCA Takedown Notice procedure to have the images removed from a website? If so, we’d like to know about your experience.The US Copyright Office is conducting a study about the efficacy of the DMCA Takedown Notice procedure. The following group of associations are working together to conduct a survey of image rights holders and licensing professionals to gather information for the Copyright Office study.Please help us in our advocacy efforts on behalf of all American visual artists and participate in our anonymous short survey.The survey will close at midnight, Sunday, March 21, 2016.SURVEY LINK you!American Photographic ArtistsAmerican Society of Media PhotographersDigital Media Licensing AssociationGraphic Artists GuildNational Press Photographers AssociationNorth American Nature Photography AssociationProfessional Photographers of AmericaPLUS (The Picture Licensing Universal System)