Case Act Unanimously Passes House Judiciary Committee

The CASE Act (Copyright Alternative in Small Claims Enforcement) took another critical step towards becoming a law as the House Judiciary Committee passed the bill unanimously. The law is ready now for a full vote by both chambers of Congress. The support in Congress has been bipartisan, along with a wide swath of the publishing and content licensing industry.According to Ed Christman at Billboard "Industry sources say they are hopeful it will come to a full vote in both legislative arms before the October recess." With the Senate Judiciary Committee passing the bill out of committee on July 19th, this would be a swift conclusion to a law the DMLA and other industry advocacy groups have been working towards for a very long time.To learn more about the CASE Act please read the DMLA CASE Act Q & A with our Senior Legal Counsel Nancy Wolff.Our friends at Copyright Alliance provide additional detail on the level of support in Congress.If you want to immerse yourself, dive into the American Society of Media Photographers' CASE Act Central with a blow-by-blow account of the bill's progress.You can also watch the entire mark up session of the House Judiciary Committee on YouTube. The bill is addressed starting at the 8:26:25 mark in the video.And of course, there are the current House and Senate versions of the bill itself.Happy watching and reading.Hopefully, there will be a bill to celebrate at our DMLA 24th Annual Conference this October in LA. 


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