DMLA General Member Application



General membership is for companies anywhere in the world that manage, own or produce digital media content made available for licensing and distribution. This includes footage, still images, multi-media, illustration, AI, and audio for creative/commercial and editorial purposes. This is a voting membership. All voting members are eligible to serve on the DMLA Executive Board, if they meet the qualifications defined in the DMLA Operating Manual.

The General member must meet the qualifications and:

  • Certify annually that they will abide by the DMLA Code of Ethics.

  • Certify annually their revenue range.

  • Fulfill membership requirements as set by the Membership Committee and Board of Directors.

  • Membership applications are subject to approval by DMLA Board of Directors.

Companies that meet the above qualifications but do not have an office in the US may now join as a General member.

For more information on the benefits of membership, go here.

If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact


Dues are based on estimated annual revenue levels.

Level 1 (<$500K) $800/year
Level 2 (>$500K - $2.5MM) $1500/year
Level 3 (>$2.5MM - $15MM) $3600/year
Level 4 (>$15MM - $100MM) $6000/year
Level 5 (>$100MM) $13500/year

In addition, a one-time $500 onboarding fee will be charged upon acceptance.


Logo display as member of DMLA. Committee /Board participation, free access to member area of site, free access to webinars & Conference videos (after embargo), news distribution, access to legal committee input and docs. Priority access to Showcase features. Website profile and links. Discounts to paid events.

For more information on the benefits of membership, go here.


All General Members have voting rights and may serve on the Executive Board and committees.